National Fentanyl Awareness Day May 10,2022

If your child was found dead- does it matter how they died? Yes! Was it accidental? Were they aware of exactly what they were ingesting? With a Fentanyl Poisoning they were not. Counterfeit Pills are flooding our markets. They are dirt cheap. For $2 dollars your child could be poisoned. Our youth are purchasing them on the internet. Everywhere. This is not a scare tactic. This is a reality check. Please have a conversation with your kids. Listen first… then lead and continue with researched factual information. Continue these important life saving conversations. Start with an embrace. Start with a conversation “I’m listening- I hear you- let’s research the facts together.” Stop with the Stigmatizing Language- Stop with the Shame- Stop with the Blame. May is also National Mental Health Awareness Month.

Listen to the V O I C E S O F O U R C H I L D R E N.

As part of the TEAM for Need 4 Narcan- you may be asking yourself, “Well how do they really know? “ This is how we know! As the Founder of Need 4 Narcan I unfortunately know. .. My only child, Christopher, died from an overdose in 2012. Michele Stroh, the Director of Need 4 Narcan’s son, Keaton, died from a Fentanyl Poisoning in 2020. Keaton’s actual Birthday happens to be May 10th. Coincidental that May 10th is National Fentanyl Awareness Day ? NOPE- Not to Michele. Not to the rest of our team. Not to Oregonians. May we give Keaton Stroh the National recognition he and his momma deserve. Should we start a petition to make Keaton Stroh the Poster Person for National Fentanyl Awareness Day on May 10th of each year? I think so…..


Complicit:Complaint: Compliant: Complacent:


Diagnosing Ones Level Of Pain